Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Biography of Xerxes

Born in c. 519 BC, of the parents King Darius and his wife Atossa came Xerxes. He was raised in the lavish opulence of an eastern court and became the designated heir to his father†s throne in which he was to rule over the greatest empire of his time for 21 years. The Persian Empire. He was not the oldest of Darius† sons but still became the heir over his oldest brother Artabazanes. There were two main reasons for this, His mother Atossa was the daughter of the great Cyrus making Xerxes his grandson. According to Herodotus Atossa would have used her influence to get her son on the throne. [Herodotus book 7 section-3]. Xerxes stated superior claim to the throne for the same reasons. Spartan King Demaratus who was exiled from Sparta and in the Persian court at the time, suggested that they use the Spartan custom to elect a king. That is that the son who is born first while the king sits on the throne will be the heir no matter how many sons there were before the king became king [Herodotus book 7 section-3]. This made Xerxes the rightful heir how ever he describes his accession himself on limestone foundation block at Persepolis â€Å"†¦ My Father was Darius; Darius† father was Hystaspes by name; Hystaspes† father was Arsames by name†¦ saith Xerxes the King: Other sons of Darius there were, (but)- thus unto Ahura-Mazda was the desire- Darius my father made me the greatest after himself. When my father Darius went away from the throne, by will of Ahura-Mazda I became king on my fathers throne. † So to help legitimise his claim to the throne, Xerxes uses Ahura-Mazda. In another inscription he supports himself by saying † †¦ I am Xerxes, the great king, king of king, king of lands containing many men, king in this great earth far and wide, son of Darius the king, an Achaemid, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, of Aryan seed. † Here he emphasises that he an Achaemenid to add weight on his claim to the throne. According to A. T. Olmstead, Xerxes gained administrative experience by living in the royal Babylonian palace and being able to rule Babylon. Though there is not enough evidence to support this. Some historians say that Darius and Xerxes shared co-regency, but there is not enough evidence to support this either. The evidence we do have on his background and early life before he became king is that his father was a believer in the god Ahura – Mazda and therefore a follower of Zoastrianism. We know that Xerxes carried this on. As far as we know the only real education according to Herodotus that Persian boys were taught was to†¦ † Ride, to use the bow, and to speak the truth† [Herodotus book 1 pg. 137]. The most important and significant things in Xerxes life that contributed to his assent was being the grandson of the greatest king Persia had seen and his mother being that kings daughter and able to use her influence. Xerxes became the king of the Persian Empire in 485BC. In his 25 years of reign he achieved many things. He was certainly not a lazy ruler and her proved this in the early years of his reign with the swift crushing of the Babylonian and Egyptian revolts. Even as a new king he portrayed traits of a strong and strict monarch. â€Å"He sent an army against the Egyptian rebels and decisively crushed them. [Herodotus book 7 section-7]. The most famous expedition Xerxes was conducted as his attempt to invade Greece. This is seen to most people as a failure as the Greeks defeated him. Though it can also be looked upon as an achievement because although he failed to encompass the entire country into his empire he still managed to destroy Athens, which was one of his main priorities in the first place. † I will not rest until I have taken Athens and burnt it to the ground, in revenge for the injury in which the Athenians without provocation did to me and my Father† [Herodotus book 7 section-8-b]. So his destruction of Athens can be looked upon as an achievement. Xerxes was by no means a poor military conductor as he shows good management and organisational skills in the way he amasses and upholds his army. He had clever and careful planning when it came to invading and according to Cameron and Lawless, Xerxes extended his empire into Thrace and Macedonia as well as adding territory from distant eastern provinces [page 99]. His achievements don†t just focus on warlike activities. His building programs at Persepolis and some closer to home show that his ambitions did not just consist of taking land. He thought expanding his empire was important but so to was internal development. † King Darius my father built and ordered to be built much good construction. By the favour of Ahura – mazda I added to that construction and built further (buildings). † [Cameron and Lawless, pg 181]. Xerxes began building almost straight after he ascended the throne, but the majority of his constructions were done in the last three years of his reign. Some of the buildings consist of the Apadana, which was an audience hall in the Persian royal palace. It was started by Darius and finished by Xerxes. ‘Harem† was Xerxes palace that he built for himself; The ‘Central Building† was another construction ordered by Xerxes; ‘Throne Hall† or other wise known as ‘The Hall of 100 Columns†, was believed to have been started by Xerxes and finished by Artaxerxes; ‘Palace H† was another incomplete building believed to have been stared by Xerxes and incomplete inscriptions suggest that it may have been finished by Artaxerxes. These are just a few examples of the achievements this man completed in his life. It is clear that he was a serious ruler who had many ambitions in his life. The love life of Xerxes is a complicated subject to find evidence on. Herodotus mentions him having only one wife named Amestris and the information on her is extremely little. Her father was probably Otanes who was a Persian nobleman and one of the seven conspirators who helped Darius become King. Further research uncovers the story of Esther and Queen Vashti. There is more information on the story of Esther and Queen Vashti then there is on Amestris. The story of Esther and Vashti is also more probable to be mythology then real history, as a lot of the information doesn†t add up. Herodotus neither mentions Esther or Vashti in his histories and he is our main source to this period in time. The story of Esther is a book in the bible and is where the Jewish celebration of ‘Purim† comes from. According to the story of Esther, King Xerxes was banqueting with all his friend and he was boasting about how he had the finest of everything. Then he called for his wife, Queen Vashti, and told her to walk around in front of his guests wearing nothing but her crown because he believed she was the most beautiful woman and he wanted to show everyone. Vashti was greatly insulted and refused so she was deposed. A beauty contest was held for Xerxes to select a new wife and he chose a young girl called Esther who he apparently fell instantly in love with. Esther†s real name was Hadassah but she changed it to hide her Jewish identity. Then with the help of her influence on Xerxes and her cousin Mordecai she was ale to save the Jewish people from slaughter. This story his been questioned by many scholars and historians and is believed to be mythical. Though there isn†t much mentioned on Amestris, from the main story she takes part in we are able to piece together quite a picture of her. Amestris wove a wonderful shawl as a present for her husband Xerxes. He gave it to his brother†s daughter Artaynte with whom he had had an affair with. When Amestris discovered this betrayal she was furious and immediately blamed Artaynte†s mother and had her brutally mutilated. Xerxes brother then beside himself plotted a rebellion against Xerxes and Xerxes had him killed. From this story we can already gather that Amestris was a jealous and not so nice woman who held quite a bit of power over Xerxes, As she wasn†t punished for what she did. There is another story of Amestris that leads us to believe she wasn†t that good a woman. A custom of Persia was burying people alive! Amestris in her old age did it to fourteen Persian boys of distinguished families, by way of a present which she hoped the god of the under world would except instead of herself [Herodotus book 7 section-114]. In 465BC Xerxes was found murdered in his bedchambers. According to Cameron and Lawless, specific details on the death of Xerxes are unknown. It suggests that Artabanus, the commander of the palace guards murdered him with the help of Aspamitres, a court eunuch [pg. 100]. Therefore Xerxes ended his reign of the Persian Empire as a victim of palace conspiracy and was succeeded by his son Artaxerxes.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moving and positioning individuals Essay

Outcome 1 Understand anatomy and physiology in relation to moving and positioning individuals. 1-1 Outline the anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importance of correct moving and positioning of individuals. 1-2 Describe the impact of specific conditions on the correct moving and positioning of individuals. Arthritis, stroke, swollen joints, painful joints, stiffness, Outcome 2 Understand legislation and agreed ways of working when moving and positioning individuals. 2-1 Describe how legislation and agreed ways of working affect working practices related to moving and positioning individuals. 2-2 Describe what health and safety factors need to be taken into account when moving and positioning individuals and any equipment used to do this. There are many health and safety factors that need to be taken into account when moving and positioning individuals. You should make sure the hoist is in full working order and charged up, make sure there is enough room/space, no wires or hazards. when using a slide sheet be careful of skin tears. When using a bath lift make sure the battery has been charged and the green light is showing. Read more: Describe when advice and assistance should essay Outcome 3 Be able to minimise risk before moving and positioning individuals. 3-4 Describe actions to take in relation to identified risks Inform the office straight away so they can plan a risk assesment. also let a family member know about the risk. 3-5 Describe what action should be taken if the individual’s wishes conflict with their plan of care in relation to health and safety and their risk assessment. Where an individual indicates a choice that you or others may consider to be a risk you should utilise your assessment skills to determine if there may be issues of capacity or safeguarding. If unsure, consult with your line manager. Record the decision / outcome and the discussion on the file. If there may be a safeguarding issue, refer to local Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Procedures. Outcome 5 Be able to move and position an individual 5-3 Describe the aids and equipment that may be used for moving and positioning. There are many different aids and equipment’s that can be used for moving and positioning, the hoist, turn table, slide sheet. Outcome 6 Know when to seek advice from and/or involve others when moving and positioning an individual. 6-1 Describe when advice and/or assistance should be sought to move or handle an individual safely. If the service user is a very large built person and you are struggling to manage alone you should contact the office to do an assesment to see if it is required a 2 carer call. 6-2 Describe what sources of information are available about moving and positioning individuals. policies and procedures, care plan, training courses, equipment manufactures instructions, trained colleagues.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Capacity to be bound to the contract

Capacity to be bound to the contract Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Capacity to be bound to the contract In the aspect of law, a contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties which contain elements of a valid legal agreement which is enforceable by law. An agreement is said to be reached when an offer offered by the offeree has been accept by the acceptor as an acceptance. These parties must have the capacity to be bound to the contract and the contract must not be insignificant, vague, unfeasible, or against the law. In daily life, most contracts can be and are made orally, such as purchasing a can drink or stationeries. Any oral agreement between two parties can form a legal binding contract as long as the good or service provided is legal. However, some contracts require material evidence, written documents for example purchasing a house as sometimes written contracts are required by either the parties, or by statutory law within various jurisdictions. When disputes arise among parties of the contract, the courts will have t o decide the judgment based on wheatear to place emphasis on intention of parties to the contract or other policy of considerations. 2.0 Intention to Create Legal Relations 2.1 Definition The Law recognizes that often the parties do not intend to create a legally binding contract. The law therefore says that there must be an intention to create legal relations and make a distinction between social and domestic agreement (where the assumption is that there is no intention to create legal relations) and commercial and business agreements (where the law assumes that the parties intend the agreement to be legally binding). 2.2 Social and Domestic Agreements 2.2.1 Agreements treated as not legally binding The cases suggest that agreements within families will generally be treated as not legally binding. For example, in Jones V Padavattan (1969), Mrs. Jones offered a monthly allowance to her daughter if she would give up her job in the USA and come to England and study to become a barrist er. Because of accommodation problems, Mrs. Jones bought a house in London, where the daughter lived and received rents from other tenants. They later quarreled and the mother sought repossession of the house. The courts decided that there was no intention to create legal relations and that all the arrangements were just part of ordinary family life. Therefore, the mother was not liable on the maintenance agreement and could also claim the house. In Balfour V Balfour (1919), the issue was the promise made by a husband to pay his wife allowance while he was abroad. He failed to keep up the payments when the marriage broke down. The wife sued but it was held that arrangements between husband and wives are not contracts because the parties do not intend them to be legally binding. The court also decided that she had given no consideration for the husband’s promise. 2.2.2 Agreements treated as legally binding In the case of Merritt V Merritt (1970), the husband had already left h is wife and they met to make arrangements for the future. The husband agreed to pay 40 pounds per month maintenance, out of which the wife would pay the mortgage. When the mortgage was paid off he would transfer the house from joint names to the wife’s name. He wrote this down and signed the paper, but later refused to transfer the house. The court was held that when the agreement was made, the husband and wife were no longer living together; therefore they must have intended the agreement to be binging and their intention to base their future actions on the agreement was evidenced by the writing. The husband had to transfer the house to the wife.

Ethical Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical - Assignment Example This shows how valuable the managers are in ensuring that the needs of the stakeholders are met, and ensuring the success of the organization. The major conflict that can occur between the shareholder and the manager is agency conflict. When the manager is employed to take responsibility of leading the company, what is created between him and the shareholders is what is referred to as an agency relationship (Wijesekera, The manager performs many duties, but delegates the authority of making decisions to the shareholder although he may also hold a small percentage of capital shares in the company. The shareholders are much separated from the management; they have little time to monitor the operation of the company, and cannot have an opportunity to fully assess whether the manager is acting in the best interest of the shareholders. Agency conflict occurs when there is conflict of interest between the manager and the shareholder. The shareholder may want to invest on a long term project, while the manager wants to make short term projects. He may be tempted to go on with this plan without necessarily informing the shareholder, because he has the capacity to run the company affairs. Wijesekera informs that the manager may be motivated to award himself and the staff better working terms and conditions ( The issue of managers holding back some information from the shareholders is unethical according to the business code of conduct. Company managers are always on a much better informed position on matters regarding the company than the shareholders, and while they have bigger opportunities to make the company progress with lots of profits and making successful ventures, they also have the chance of making the company fail; this is because they have much information than any other person in the firms (Gayle and Miller 2). A manager therefore stands a chance of deciding what to reveal and what not to. The opportunity granted makes the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How has the Shard impacted the urban ecology of London Essay

How has the Shard impacted the urban ecology of London - Essay Example 83). A viewing gallery which presents an exquisite sight 360 degree around London for up to 40 miles is located on the 68th, 69th and the 72nd floor of Shard. Shard has a number of offices located inside and provides a comfortable and healthy work place environment. Besides this, Shard also has Shangri-La Hotel built inside of it, offering a 5-star experience to its guests. All facilities like gym, pool, international restaurants etc. are readily available as well as business facilities for its honored guests. All in all, Shard is an eloquent and fascinating work, becoming the pride of London (Rogers, 2008). Shard, not being one of the tallest in the world, still holds its position in the UK and in the Europe as well. It certainly has its high impact on the ecology of the city as it is a well-known fact that the infrastructure immensely affects the economy and ecology of a city. This building has added many plus points in the ecology of London. The architect’s team behind Shard has tried their best to make the structure of Shard delicate towards the environment, on both local and global level. Maximizing energy efficiency was targeted enabling it to be a sustainable design (Pickett, Cadenasso and McGrath, 2013, p. 153). From the outside Shard gives an outstanding look, dominating the area with its remarkable features and representing the beauty of its surroundings. Shard is close to the London Bridge, together with it gives a stunning look throughout. Its impressive features have had promising effects on the ecology of London. The unique shape and appearance as well as outstanding functions of Shard distinguish it from many other tall buildings in the area. The granite, glass and steel finish of the tower enables it to combine with the skyline, reflecting the surrounding buildings and the sky (Konmany and Ali, 2013, p. 354). All these features approve Shard to be a magnificent landmark

Saturday, July 27, 2019

End of Cold War and Collapse of Soviet Union Essay

End of Cold War and Collapse of Soviet Union - Essay Example e 1980s in order to determine why the Soviet Union left Eastern Europe and the extent to which Gorbachev can be held responsible for the subsequent collapse of communism. Though the reasons for the collapse of communism in the CEE countries are numerous, Gorbachev is at the heart of the said event. Historians have examined the dramatic end of the Cold War almost since the day the Berlin Wall came crashing down. Some, most notably Karen Dawisha, predicted the event earlier. She released her book Eastern Europe, Gorbachev, and Reform in 1988, and understood that Gorbachev knew the regimes in Eastern Europe were illegitimate, placed in power by the Soviet Union on the coattails of the Red Army's entrance into the area during the closing days of World War II.2 However, she argued that if Gorbachev was serious in his intentions concerning noninterference in the affairs of sovereign states, then Eastern Europe would likely soon break away from the Soviet grasp and attempt to move west.3 Charles Gati theorized in his important work The Bloc that Failed: Soviet-East European Relations in Transition, that the Soviet Union lost control of Eastern Europe due to an extraordinary domestic crisis which consumed their attention and resources.4 Moreover, The Warsaw Pact was an ineffective mec hanism for collective security, according to Gati, since its member states each had different perceived enemies, oftentimes another member of the Warsaw Pact.5 Joseph Rothschild stated that the stability of Eastern Europe depended directly on the economic performance of the country in question.6 By the time Gorbachev came to power, he realized that a serious overhaul of the system was necessary due to the flagging economies of the Eastern Europe satellite states, in crisis before but never this severely. Like Charles Gati, Rothschild stated that by the 1980s, Eastern Europe had broken out of the conformist mold placed on it after World War II by Joseph Stalin, and each country began to pursue its own different interests.7 Thus the "Soviet bloc" was a collection of different states each moving in its own direction; Gorbachev had very limited choices, and ultimately let them Return to Diversity. These views hold to the tenet that the breakup of the Soviet bloc was due to internal fact ors in the countries of Eastern Europe.8 Other authors have studied the internal demise of the Soviet Union, placing the emphasis on themes ranging from the nationalities problem to incorrect decisions by the General Secretary. Helene Carrere d' Encausse examined the former in her work The End of the Soviet Empire, in which she chronicled the difficulty of governing an empire

Friday, July 26, 2019

Target market of wine coolesrs in argentina Essay

Target market of wine coolesrs in argentina - Essay Example They are the teenagers who like to drink such wine coolers so that they can look cool, trendy and hip. It is essentially a style statement that they like to carry with them so that they can be taken as lively and attractive at all times. The focus for the wine cooler business should therefore rest on individuals who like to move ahead with life on the go. They are exploring new things, finding novel pathways and understanding the intricacies related with style and comfort. Within Argentina, the target market would include both male and female drinkers since they are within the teenager category. They like to drink such wine coolers so that they can be considered ‘in’ and trendy more than any other opinion that can be made out of them. The target market therefore is very essential to estimate before the business can be opened up and the people are offered the wine coolers for their purchase. If the primary target market is analyzed and locked upon properly within Argentina, it is always easier to know what the secondary and tertiary target markets would be for the sake of the wine cooler business. Since the wine coolers do not fall essentially under the category of the wine itself, they can be drunk by individuals who are not into hard drinks. This is the reason why people who are not into drinking can be taken as the right target market, and hence all out efforts could be made to sell the wine cooler products towards them (Author Unknown, 2011). The business would then be narrowed down in terms of finding and then sending the wine coolers to the exact target audiences. There would be minimal wastage which is any business’ dream in this day and age. In the past as well, wine coolers have been made at home so the element of starting a new business could be seen as something that can take place at a very low level. The important thing is to know the exact target market so that the wine

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Climate Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Climate Change - Research Paper Example It cannot be denied that GLOBAL WARMING was under consideration by almost every country and different measures are been taken to prevent but it is required on a very large scale with a contribution of every individual living in. It can be done in a lot of ways for example promote plantation, avoid using plastic products as it a non-biodegradable item and a main source of pollution, energy conservation, recycling of goods, preservation of natural resources, and banning the burning of fossil fuels which contributes highly in the destruction of the ozone layer which works as an umbrella or a shelter from strong sun radiations affecting the globe directly .All these factors are causing Global Warming which works as a driving force for the fluctuations in Climatic System. Climatic change does not only affect the nature but majorly affects the living beings. Whereas, drastic changes are coming up because of the activities done by the masses for worldly pleasures for which natural resources are continuously been misused and immeasurably been wasted. There are some major changes in the climatic system which occurs because of the rise in temperatures of the living world. Human Influences is directly propostional to the global warming. Following are Sub-reasons for the change in climate cycle: Orbital Variations Solar Output Volcanism Ocean Variability Plate Tectonics These are the regions where fluctuations occurs and affect the globe and each will be discussed thoroughly further in this report. It is recorded previously in surveys that Climatic Changes are affecting adversely on Biodiversity. This is alarming for the species which are already left with a handful numbers like Polar Bears, Indus Dolphins and many more. They are getting affected because of the change in eco-system occurring because of the changes in the earth’s crust. As the global temperature rises, it starts throwing off to cool down. Volcanic Eruptions is one of the cooling processes, when done with the eruption, the temperature of the globe drops down to 0.5 degrees. Same is the case is with Earthquakes and Ocean Variability. Footnote: (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Historical and Archeological Evidences: It is studied in the continuous research being done in this aspect and different historical and archeological evidences are pouring in that how the climate used to be in a particular region and how it has become after several years. Civilization changes also predict to a certain level of how the climate probably was. According to archeological evidences, researchers have put their efforts on different areas of life through which they might get to the key. Some of the under consideration areas of life which can predict or can give a clue to the present world that climatic cycle have changed to what extent and whether good or bad. The following are: Glacier changes: Glaciers are the most sensitive indicator of the climate change because of its immediate reaction to any changes in the temperature. There are two things which can contribute in the shrinkage and growth of the glaciers, they are orbital variability and external forcing. Evidences are found because glaciers leaves moraines that contain an anonymous amount of material including organic matter

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) Essay - 3

HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) - Essay Example This is especially true of the temperance societies. These groups saw a great deal of society’s ills manifest in the use of alcohol. They crusaded against â€Å"demon rum† and sought for a prohibition against the use of alcohol. Women were prominent members and often the leaders of these societies. In this way, the battle for temperance and women’s suffrage carried on together, often with one society for temperance being almost indistinguishable from societies that advocated women’s suffrage. Both of these concerns were part of the Second Great Awakening because churches began to adopt a theology that said they should be stewards over society. They believed that Christian principles should be applied to all aspects of culture, so they became involved in causes, such as temperance and women’s suffrage because the current state of the nation did not reflect good Christian principles and values (Sutton, 1992). Nowhere did this manifest itself more than in the movement to abolish slavery. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a good example of how the abolitionist viewed slavery and how the participants of the Second Great Awakening viewed the Christian’s duty in regards to curing social

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business and professional communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business and professional communication - Essay Example awareness, ritual interpretation, level of likelihood that key differences will be put aside and the employee will assimilate into the culture of the organization, as well as a host of others. As such, this brief analysis essay will seek to lay out this author’s view, supported by key course concepts, with relation to how incorporation of organizational culture/assimilation is achieved. Firstly, as a way to understand the extent to which cultural assimilation will take place, the reader should consider the attitudes and belief systems that one brings with them into the process. No one would be foolish enough to argue that having a distinct belief system is a hindrance with regards to being able to accept a company culture and work to assimilate oneself into the mores and norms of this culture as a way to differentiate oneself into a useful and valuable employee; however, the fact of the matter is that certain belief systems are rather incompatible with the assimilation process (Beamer 1997). Although it is beyond the scope of this short essay to enumerate upon which belief systems are a retardant with respect to the individual being both willing and able to incorporate/assimilate into the mold that has been set forward by the organization in question, the fact remains that a type of open minded liberalism is required to allow the individual to accept the constraint s that the organization may lay upon them and work to incorporate these as long as they do not violate any of the laws of universal ethics and/or morality. One of the premier determinants that should be discussed with relation to an employee seeking to assimilate himself/herself into the given company/organizational culture is the fact that there are key different between culture/rituals/and policies. Oftentimes, due to a liberal use of vocabulary terms, these three are coalesced into a singular idea; however, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, the company culture is merely a

Life Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Life Philosophy Essay The meaning of life is to give life meaning Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Life Philosophy of John Wooden Even a fool knows you cant reach the stars, but that doesnt stop a wise man from trying. You cant make someone Elses choices. You shouldnt let someone else make yours. Life Philosophy of Gen. Colin Powell Man is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents, and man is more powerful than matter. Life Philosophy of Benjamin Disraeli. When an affliction happens to you, you either let it defeat you, or you defeat it Life Philosophy of Rosalind Russell A life lived in fear is a life half lived. To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. It is better to be hated for what you are then to be loved for what your not There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that its easy. Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. Life Philosophy of Zig Ziglar You will never achieve what you never begin The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune. Dont wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Philosophy of Life by Andre Gide If one seeks advice, give them direction, not correction. Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can. Philosophy of Life by Richard Bach Do the things you know, and you shall learn the truth you need to know. Philosophy of Life by George Macdonald Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen,  but give us the determination to make the right things happen. Philosophy of Life by Peter Marshall It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. Dont take life too seriously. no one gets out alive, anyways. Before you talk about what you want appreciate what you have. A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. Life Philosophy from Gene Roddenberry You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action. Life Philosophy from Anthony Robbins If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you wont, you most assuredly wont. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad. Life Philosophy from Denis Waitley You can do what you think you can do and you cannot do what you think you cannot Life Philosophy from Ben Stein Find something you love to do and youll never have to work a day in your life. Life Philosophy from Harvey Mackay You can do what you want to do. You can be what you want to be. Life Philosophy from R. David Thomas Philosophies in Life PHILOSOPHY may be defined as the study and pursuit of facts which deal with the ultimate reality or causes of things as they affect life. The philosophy of a country like the Philippines is made up of the intricate and composite interrelationship of the life histories of its people; in other word, the philosophy of our nation would be strange and undefinable if we do not delve into the past tied up with the notable life experiences of the representative personalities of our nation. Being one of the prominent representatives of Filipino personalities, Jose Rizal is a fit subject whose life philosophy deserves to be recognized. Having been a victim of Spanish brutality early in his life in Calamba, Rizal had thus already formed the nucleus of an unfavorable opinion of Castillian imperialistic administration of his country and people. Pitiful social conditions existed in the Philippines as late as three centuries after his conquest in Spain, with agriculture, commerce, communications and education languishing under its most backward state. It was because of this social malady that social evils like inferiority complex, cowardice, timidity and false pride pervaded nationally and contributed to the decay of social life. This stimulated and shaped Rizal’s life phylosophy to be to contain if not eliminate these social ills. Educational Philosophy Rizal’s concept of the importance of education is clearly enunciated in his work entitled Instruction wherein he sought improvements in the schools and in the methods of teaching. He maintained that the backwardness of his country during the Spanish ear was not due to the Filipinos’ indifference, apathy or indolence as claimed by the rulers, but to the neglect of the Spanish authorities in the islands. For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people’s mentality. Since education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination. Rizal’s philosophy of education, therefore, centers on the provision of proper motivation in order to bolster the great social forces that make education a success, to create in the youth an innate desire to cultivate his intelligence and give him life eternal. Religious Philosophy Rizal grew up nurtured by a closely-knit Catholic family, was educated in the foremost Catholic schools of the period in the elementary, secondary and college levels; logically, therefore, he should have been a propagator of strictly Catholic traditions. However, in later life, he developed a life philosophy of a different nature, a philosophy of a different Catholic practice intermingled with the use of Truth and Reason. Why the change? It could have been the result of contemporary contact, companionship, observation, research and the possession of an independent spirit. Being a critical observer, a profound thinker and a zealous reformer, Rizal did not agree with the prevailing Christian propagation of the Faith by fire and sword. This is shown in his Annotation of Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Rizal did not believe in the Catholic dogma that salvation was only for Catholics and that outside Christianity, salvation was not possible even if Catholics composed only a small minority of the world’s religious groups. Nor did he believe in the Catholic observation of fasting as a sacrifice, nor in the sale of such religious items as the cross, medals, rosaries and the like in order to propagate the Faith and raise church funds. He also lambasted the superstitious beliefs propagated by the priests in the church and in the schools. All of these and a lot more are evidences of Rizal’s religious philosophy. Political Philosophy In Rizal’s political view, a conquered country like the Philippines should not be taken advantage of but rather should be developed, civilized, educated and trained in the science of self-government. He bitterly assailed and criticized in publications the apparent backwardness of the Spanish ruler’s method of governing the country which resulted in: 1. the bondage and slavery of the conquered ; 2. the Spanish government’s requirement of forced labor and force military service upon the n natives; 3. the abuse of power by means of exploitation; 4.the government ruling that any complaint against the authorities was criminal; and 5. Making the people ignorant, destitute and fanatic, thus discouraging the formation of a national sentiment. Rizal’s guiding political philosophy proved to be the study and application of reforms, the extension of human rights, the training for self government and the arousing of spirit of discontent over oppression, brutality, inhumanity, sensitiveness and self love. Ethical Philosophy The study of human behavior as to whether it is good or bad or whether it is right or wrong is that science upon which Rizal’s ethical philosophy was based. The fact that the Philippines was under Spanish domination during Rizal’s time led him to subordinate his philosophy to moral problems. This trend was much more needed at that time because the Spaniards and the Filipinos had different and sometimes conflicting morals. The moral status of the Philippines during this period was one with a lack of freedom, one with predominance of foreign masters, one with an imposition of foreign religious worship, devotion, homage and racial habits. This led to moral confusion among the people, what with justice being stifled, limited or curtailed and the people not enjoying any individual rights. To bolster his ethical philosophy, Dr. Rizal had recognized not only the forces of good and evil, but also the tendencies towards good and evil. As a result, he made use of the practical method of appealing to the better nature of the conquerors and of offering useful methods of solving the moral problems of the conquered. To support his ethical philosophy in life, Rizal: 1. censured the friars for abusing the advantage of their position as spiritual leaders and the ignorance and fanaticism of the natives; 2.  counseled the Filipinos not to resent a defect attributed to them but to accept same as reasonable and just; 3. advised the masses that the object of marriage was the happiness and love of the couple and not financial gain; 4. censured the priests who preached greed and wrong morality; and 5. advised every one that love and respect for parents must be strictly observed. Social Philosophy That body of knowledge relating to society including the wisdom which mans experience in society has taught him is social philosophy. The facts dealt with are principles involved in nation building and not individual social problems. The subject matter of this social philosophy covers the problems of the whole race, with every problem having a distinct solution to bolster the people’s social knowledge. Rizal’s social philosophy dealt with; 1. man in society; 2. influential factors in human life; 3. racial problems; 4. social constant; 5. social justice; 6. social ideal; 7. poverty and wealth; 8. reforms; 9. youth and greatness; 10. history and progress; 11. future Philippines. The above dealt with man’s evolution and his environment, explaining for the most part human behavior and capacities like his will to live; his desire to possess happiness; the change of his mentality; the role of virtuous women in the guidance of great men; the need for elevating and inspiring mission; the duties and dictates of man’s conscience; man’s need of practicing gratitude; the necessity for consulting reliable people; his need for experience; his ability to deny; the importance of deliberation; the voluntary offer of man’s abilities and possibilities; the ability to think, aspire and strive to rise; and the proper use of hearth, brain and spirit-all of these combining to enhance the intricacies, beauty and values of human nature. All of the above served as Rizal’s guide in his continuous effort to make over his beloved Philippines.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Essay Example for Free

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Essay All throughout the history of our great nation, there have been many leaders who left their mark with their invaluable contribution. I could very proudly name many such leaders starting from our very own â€Å"Bapu†, or Chacha Nehru or Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. But one such great leader whom I would like to talk about today was arguably the most powerful leader who followed the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi and gave shape to form ONE robust union from numerous small big princely states. The robust union whom we call â€Å"INDIA† – our great nation. He was the architect to bring unite people from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Junagadh to Guwahati to form our great nation. Respected Teachers Friends, I am talking about none other than The Iron Man of India, who was called as â€Å"SARDAR† respectfully by everybody although his real name was Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel. He was born on 31 October 1875 in Nadiad, British India. He was a lawyer by profession before he joined the congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. He and Bapu were the best of friends. He fought relentlessly the freedom struggle with Mahatma Gandhi and made his presence felt during the non co-operative movement. He went on to become the president of Congress Party and led the freedom struggle aggressively under the guidance of mahatma Gandhi. Just before independence he stepped down from the post of president at the request of Mahatma Gandhi, although all state units of the Congress Party wanted him to continue. He was the strong leader who picked up the challenge of integrating all princely states and territories including difficult one like Hyderabad and Junagadh and form our great nation. He became the first Home Minister of Independent India and he is still considered to be the best Home Minister ever. Apart from his political victories he also empowered the poor milk f armers from Anand Region who were getting exploited at the hands of middleman cartels. He showed them the path to form a CO-Operative society which will buy, process and sell their milk at fair price which can bring prosperity to their life. That CO-Operative movement went on to become the biggest Indian Brand in the world for food products the Brand which we all know as AMUL The seeds of amul were sawn by our very own Sardar. After suffering a massive heart attack (his second), he died on 15 December 1950 at Birla House in Bombay. His death is a huge loss to the Indian Society.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Appeasement Policies: Britain And France

Appeasement Policies: Britain And France The appeasement policy was a policy adopted by Britain and France and it was a major player in the outbreak of the war. Appeasement was first introduced in the mid 1930s by Stanley Baldwin who was then the British Prime Minister. But it was Neville Chamberlain who changed this appeasement policy when he ascended to power in 1937. The British government defines appeasement as the settlement of issues through negotiation and compromise. The British were very committed to this policy and they followed it confidently with the hope that it will reduce the chance of a world war. Britain and France sought to appease Hitler not merely because it was militarily, economically and politically rational to do so, but because of personal judgments made by Chamberlain. It is clearly evident that right from the start, Chamberlain did not clearly understand Hitlers motive and to his best understanding, appeasement would be the best strategy to avert war. He assumed that Hitlers motive was just to ama ss and maintain power which means possibility for war would be trashed by German people. Sequence of events during pursuance of appeasement policy clearly illustrates that Chamberlain did not understand Hitlers motive at all and his approach to appeasement policy could not work. While appeasement policy was mainly meant to avert war, it did not serve its purpose as Chamberlain failed to understand Hitler and the Nazi motives in general. He did not take quick steps to rearm Britain because he did not see any threat to Britain in particular and to Western Europe in general from the Germans. Therefore Chamberlain felt free to pursue the appeasement policy and disregard a military alliance with France to wage a war against Germany. It is therefore evident that Chamberlain inaccurately thought that appeasement was the only means that would stop the way. He pursued the appeasement from his own convictions and that is why he went to Germany to meet Hitler without the approval of the cabine t. He trusted Hitler and he thought he would keep his word once his demands were met. He sought this appeasement so as to conciliate with Germany to have a stable Europe  [1]  . His personal view was that Germany would be satisfied with what he offered and especially the restoration of its former colonies. There are reasons that made Chamberlain seek appeasement with Hitler. One of them is that he represented the British citizens who did not want a war as they were in the process of healing the wounds from World War One. Also, he did not want to go to war with Germany because the fall of Germany would mean the victory of the Soviet Union and the spread of communism. Chamberlain and the British citizens did not want this to happen. So Chamberlain was trying as much as he could to avoid a war with Germany and at the same time the spread of communism. The appeasement policy that Chamberlain campaigned for was merely to avoid war. He took a number of steps to ensure that the war did not happen but they failed at the end. He even traveled to Germany without Cabinet approval to pursue appeasement with Hitler. But it can also be seen as a strategy that he used in order to gain some time in rearming his forces  [2]  . The perception by Chamberlain of the methods employed by Nazi and the aim of Hitler was inaccurate. This inaccurate perception is what resulted into adoption of appeasement by Britain and France. Instead of preventing world war two, the appeasement policy can be said to be its cause especially after its failure. Chamberlain persisted in use of persuasion towards Germany rather than deterrent in addressing the grievances made by Hitler. In doing this he was convinced that Hitler wanted only to maintain power and if the grievances and demands that Germany raised were met, the German people would quench the possibility of a war  [3]  . Chamberlain thought that he could single handedly and as an individual avert the possibility of Second War through his appeasement. That is why he met Hitler on three separate occasions without Cabinet approval and without the presence of British ministers. Though there was a decrease in support from the British people and the foreign office, Chamberlain continued to believe strongly in this policy and he did not see its failure. He failed to address the arguments that were presented by allies who had been angered by the British foreign policy e.g. France. This made France an unwilling follower of Britain foreign policy even though France did not believe in its success. Chamberlain believed that any strong approach towards Hitler other than appeasement would anger him and possibly provoke him into starting a war. Therefore he did not emphasize on military production. The industries in Britain were freed to produce armaments by the recession of 1938 and the cabinet approved a potential war in February 1936  [4]  . Chamberlain was so blinded by appeasement policy that he did not assess any possible alternatives. He was confidence and optimistic that appeasement policy would succeed  [5]  . The alternative that was there was an alliance with the Soviet Union to counter Hitler but Chamberlain would not overlook the differences that Britain had with USSR on communism. He believed that in doing this, he would be giving communism a chance to spread. His erroneous judgments can be seen when he did not pursue a military alliance with France after the Munich conference when he had the chance to check the expansion of Germany. Instead he reasoned that appeasement would stop Hitler from expanding German territories. He therefore did not give any other alternative a chance  [6]  . The Versailles Pact which had been signed after the First World War with an aim of ending all wars was greatly hated by the Germans  [7]  . It was argued that the treaty, if it were to stand, wound ruin the economic status of Germany. This treaty is seen by some historians as the lead cause of the Second World War. Chamberlains misjudgment of Hitlers intention can be seen especially due to his surrender to Hitlers growing demands. This was clearly seen in 1940 when Chamberlain desperately wanted to maintain peace through fulfilling the demands made by Hitler. Chamberlain and Baldwin chose to neglect the armaments of Britain to the edge of national annihilation  [8]  . This therefore means that there were other possible alternatives but which Chamberlain failed to look at. Winston Churchill who came to power after Chamberlain viewed appeasement as a humiliation to France and Britain and he termed it as a long series of miscalculations and misjudgments of men and facts and which led Britain into an endless war with the Nazis  [9]  . Many Britons saw hope after the signing of the Versailles treaty. They wanted to avoid another war and that is why the British government had to give in to the demands presented by Hitler  [10]  . Britain felt that Germany had been treated unfairly due to the restriction imposed upon it. Chamberlain felt that if the restriction were lifted, Germany would become happier. This perception of Germany by the general population gave Hitler confidence and also provided him with an opportunity to acquire more lands without a war. The British economy was fairing very badly hence Britain was not ready for a war. It was not even in a position to fund and rearm its military force due to the bad economic status. So Chamberlain tried as much as possible to avoid a war with Germany. The way Hitler was progressing meant that there was not even time for Britain to organize war strategies and prepare its force. So Chamberlain had to find a way of avoiding war and/or gaining sometime to rearm the military. The only solution present was appeasement  [11]  . To the best of Chamberlain assumptions, German would not pursue another war after all the demands presented had been met. However, it is evident that Chamberlain did not understand the Hitlers motive. Chamberlain assumed that Hitler was only interested in maintaining power. Even when it became evident that Hitler were rearming, Chamberlain turned a blind eye and did not take any step to rearm Britain forces. However, Hitlers main aim was to make Germany as super power and a united Germany. He also wanted to enlarge the Germany territory through what he called recapturing of lost territories  [12]  . Hitler believed that German will become strong again only through the use of military aggression and war. He directly challenged the Versailles treaty in 1934 by rearming his armed forces and preparing them for war. This he did through production of tanks, submarines and aircrafts in huge masses. When it was announced that Hitler was rearming his military forces, which was in conflict with the Versailles pact, Britain and France protested to the League of Nations with the hope that it can be stopped  [ 13]  . The League of Nations did not try to stop these aggressive rearmament plans by Hitler on the grounds that there were no military or economic sanctions that had been imposed. It was due to the appeasement which made Hitler more confident. In short France and Britain simply turned a blind eye on this public breach of Versailles treaty. He was confident that France and Britain as the appeasers would not stop him. He did this knowing very well that he was flouting the Versailles treaty. Britain and France did not stop Hitler from taking over Rhineland because he was taking back what belonged to Germany originally. At this stage, France could have stopped the reoccupation of the Rhine region but she did not want to start a war with Germany due to the lack of support from the British. Hitler did not want negotiations with France. He instead wanted to deal with Britain and Chamberlain especially. This may be because Hitler saw a sign of weakness and poor perception in Chamberlain. This is what forced France to follow Britain in the pursuance of appeasement even though it disputed its success. In supporting Britain, France wanted a strong militarily alliance with Britain that could maintain a war with Germany once the appeasement policy failed. Though the pursuance of appeasement by France was manipulated by Britain, France would not back off because it had found an ally in Britain. Because France would not be in a position to fight Germany on its own, having Britain on its side was of great importance  [14]  . This was because France was undergoing a financial crisis, industrial hold ups and a shortage in skilled labor. Chamberlain thought that France was behind him in his appeasement policy but he failed to see the hidden agenda pursued by France in its support for appeasement. The politics and governance in France were different from those in Britain. While Chamberlain as an individual dominated the foreign policy in Britain, France had a rapid turnover of cabinets and governments. The indictments of appeasement in France focused on the whole political players but not on one individual. Chamberlain thought that by allowing Hitler to take over the region that formally belonged to Germany, he would at least stop there. Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and he declared Anschluss. In doing this he was breaking the Versailles treaty. The Australian chancellor at the time pleaded with France and Britain to help but these two countries did nothing about it. Chamberlain sent a protest note to Berlin  [15]  . He addressed the cabinet after Hitlers army crossed the border and he blamed both Germany and Austria. Even though, he condemned strongly the methods used by Hitler to annex Austria  [16]  . Chamberlain saw Hitler as a man who can be trusted and in his intervention he persuaded the president of the republic of Czech to hand over Sudetenland to the Germans. In doing this, Chamberlain thought that this was the last demand that Hitler would ask for. The annexation of Australia in 1938 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia as a whole is what opened the eyes of the appeasers and they saw that no matter how much they tried to appease Hitler, war was inevitable. After giving in to all the demands made by Hitler and his continual invasion of Europe, the appeasers realized that the appeasement policy was a failed policy. Chamberlain did not see Czechoslovakia as an issue that could result to war. He had simply assumed that it was just a conflict between two neighboring countries and that their conflict could not result to a world war. In 1938, Chamberlain is said to have observed: How horrible. Fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing!  [17]  . This quote suggests that the reason why Chamberlain pursued appeasement was to keep Britain safe while allowing Germany to control other nations. As long as Hitler did not interfere with Britains interest, Chamberlain was committed in pursuing appeasement. He believed that Hitler would be only interested in Eastern Europe and would not care to head Western Europe. That is why Britain and France did not take any military action when Germany started its rearming, the remilitarization of Rhine land and the Anschluss with Austria. The reason why the British policy of appeasement was vague in the 1930s was because the British politicians were unable to accurately the greatest threat to Britain and therefore come up with appropriate means and strategies to deal with them. Therefore Britain did not make any attempt to unite with America, USSR or France  [18]  . Though the British people were at first excited by Chamberlains avoidance of another war, the public opinion changed in 1938-8 after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. The public mood in France and Britain changed and Chamberlain chose to ignore this and instead continue with appeasement secretly. He had ordered that the word appeasement be used as little as possible in his speeches  [19]  . The famous peace in our time speech that was delivered by Chamberlain on September 30, 1938 showed that Hitler was a man who could not be trusted. It also showed that appeasement policy had failed as a means to prevent war. The main reason why Britain and France embraced the appeasement policy was because they did not want the whole of Europe to be dragged into a world war by Hitler. It was a policy being persued due to the lessons learnt from world war one. Appeasement policy can be seen as a bad policy that was aimed at achieving world peace while sacrificing some countries like the way Britain and France did to try and appease Hitler at the mercies of Czechoslovakia. Though the appeasement policy led to the strengthening of Germany, and the breakout of war, there are other reasons why France and Britain adopted this policy. These two countries were faced with economic problems in the 1930s. The British economy was severely weakened by the Wall Street crash of 1929 which made the government put the rearming of its armed forces on hold. Chamberlain wanted as much as possible to avoid war. That is why he adopted the appeasement policy. On the other hard, France was not in a position to maintain a war. It needed the support of Britain. It is because of this that it followed Britain in seeking the appeasement. This was because he wanted peace and stability that would allow economic growth for the whole of Europe. The Britons had a positive attitude towards the appeasement in the hope that it would reduce the chances of a war outbreak. Thus it can be concluded that appeasement was a British government policy that was fully supported by the citizens. Britain did not want a war between it and Germany. This was because it was threatened by communist USSR and not because it feared Germany. In case Germany fell, there was a possibility of spread of communism and Britain did not want this to happen. That is why it was in the favor of appeasement policy. Another fear that embraced Britain was forming a coalition with USSR which was its bitter rival. That is why Chamberlain desperately sought for appeasement at the mercies of other countries just to make sure that they did not join hands with USSR in a war against Germany  [20]  . The signing of the Munich agreement is viewed by many as a betrayal especially by Britain. What Chamberlain was doing is to buy some time to rearm British forces. Hitler on the other hand thought it as a weakness and a sign of fear of the appeasers  [21]  . This was a great mistake as all that the appeasers wanted was to preserve the world peace. This is what made him bold and gain confidence and a sen se of security. . Hitler had managed to convince the appeasers that he had no any intentions of aggression through his peace propaganda. This had in a way fooled Britain and France who were not in favor of a war but wanted world peaceful coexistence. The appeasers continued to adopt the appeasement policy and this assured Hitler that they would do anything just to avoid a war. This made him think that he could continue to expand his demands and the appeasers would still continue to give in to them. It was this appeasement policy that gave Hitler a foundation and a base to increase the demands after every successful conquest that he achieved. Conclusion There are many opinions and views about the appeasement policy with some critics saying it was a betrayal and sacrifice of some nations for the benefit of others. Others say that it was Chamberlains strategy of buying time to rearm Britain. But from Chamberlains point of view, all that he wanted was to avoid another world war. It is not the appeasement policy that triggered the world war two but instead it was the greed of Hitler to enlarge the German territory and make Germany a superpower. The failure of the appeasement policy was because it was only Chamberlain who fulfilled his part of the bargain. He was convinced, on trying to appease Hitler that he (Hitler) was an honest trustworthy and honorable man which was a mistake and a misjudgment on his part. Chamberlain felt that he had been betrayed by Hitler and that his appeasement policies were failing him. That is when he decided to take on a hard line approach towards the Nazi. Britain and France began rearming themselves. Italy on the other hard invaded Albania in April of 1939. It was Hitlers invasion of Poland that made these two countries declare war and Second World War officially began on 3rde September 1939. Though he really wanted to avoid the war, there came a time that he knew that war was in evitable. It was only after the failure of the negotiations between him and Hitler that he declared war against Germany Teleworking what it is? Teleworking what it is? Teleworking what it is? TELEWORK is a form of organising and/or performing work, using information technology, in the context of an employment contract/relationship, where work, which could also be performed at the employers premises, is carried out away from those premises on a regular basis. This agreement covers teleworkers. A teleworker is any person carrying out telework as defined above. (Emilio Gabaglio, Georges Jacobs, Andrea Bonetti, Rainer Plassmann, 16.07.2002 EU agreement among ETUC, UNICE/UEAPME and CEEP, p. 2). So it can be stated that teleworking is arrangement between employer and employee in which an employee regularly performs officially assigned duties at home or other work sites which are convenient for the employee. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM in US), describes telework as an alternative work arrangement for employees to conduct all or some of their work away from the primary workplace. The work location can be a residence, a telecenter, an office closer to the employees residence, or another acceptable location. The telework schedule may be fixed or episodic.(U.S. Office of Personnel Management,, date taken 29.01.2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Teleworking is also named telecommuting, flexiwork, sometimes flexiplace, e- commuting, e-work, telework, working at home (WAH), or working from home (WFH). Different types of teleworking. In general there are three types of telework: full time, part time, and situational. Full time telework means that the employee performs and completes all or almost all duties outside of a traditional office. In this meaning full time teleworking can be named as home-based work. Part time telework means that the employee performs and completes duties outside of a traditional office on a regularly scheduled basis, but not five days per week. For instance, the employee may telework one or more days a week, every two weeks, or several days in a month. Situational telework means that the employee do not telework on a regular basis. This type of telework may happened in case of medical problem, weather or hazardous conditions, that do not allowed employee to get to traditional office in a safe condition and way, sometimes situational telework may be caused by preparing special project which needs high concentration and doesnt need present of the employee in traditional office. Ursula Huws, an Associate Fellow of IES, is an established international authority on teleworking, states different approach to types of teleworking. The five main types of teleworking according to Ursula Huws are: Multi-site teleworking This form of teleworking means that employee rotates between working on the employers premises and working elsewhere. Typically, the secondary worksite is the home, but it may be a telecottage, telecentre or other outpost. Tele-homeworking Tele-homeworking means work which is based only in the home and carried out for a single employer, even if the worker does not have formal employee status. This type of teleworking generally involves fairly low-skilled work carried out by people who are tied to the home by the need to care for children or other dependants. Freelance teleworking Freelance teleworkers, in contrast to tele-homeworkers, work for a different clients, rather than a single employer. Mobile teleworking Mobile teleworking has evolved from more traditional types of work, which can be qualified in groups such as travelling sales representatives, inspectors or maintenance engineers. The new technologies, especially the development of portable equipment such the notebook computer, the mobile telephone, the portable fax machine, have created type of mobility which allowed increase of amount of professional, technical and managerial work that can be carried out on the road. Relocated back-office functions The first four categories of teleworking involve activities which employee can carry out in isolation away from the employers premises. Relocated back-office is other form of teleworking which takes place on remote office sites. Many big companies have been noticed a rapid growth in specialist centres carrying out activities such as data entry, customer service, airline bookings, telephone banking and mail-order. These centres operate on a subcontracted basis or under the direct control of an employer located at a distance. These type of teleworking face different problems including: lack of promotion prospects, health and safety problems and equal opportunities issues, for instance fairly low-paid work carried out by women (Teleworking: Guidelines for Good Practice, Huws U. Report 329, Institute for Employment Studies, 1997.). Teleworking advantages and disadvantages to employers and employees.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Telework brings a variety of advantages and disadvantages to employees and employers in many different aspects from work environment to health issues. I am going to point and describe, in my opinion, the most important benefits and negatives of telework to both employers and employees. Advantages to employers. Increase of employees productivity, because telework help to avoid common interruption to work in traditional office, what provides to better concentration. Employees are not late to work because of travel difficulties or unpredictable events, for example breakdown of a car, delays in public transport. Advantages of a health matter in meaning employees take off less time due to illness: employees who are long-time unwell and not able to work in traditional office, might be able to work from home, employees during recovering period from serious illness might be able to work from home, because employees who work alone are more isolated, they are less likely to contact or spread diseases such as flu, colds, viruses, etc. working in private, convenient place for employees is less stressful and could be less exposure to pollution, it can cause that teleworkers can be generally in better health, employees who work at home, obviously, are less likely to be injured while commuting. Employee work at home is fully using productive time for only work, compare to traditional office where at the end of work usually employees start to prepare to leave and clear their desk few minutes before the end of the work day. Help in recruiting process because: flexible working is more attractive, especially to graduated young people, employers have much more possibilities to seek employees, especially among disabled, people who take care of young children or the elderly, it is also encouraging to seek potentially employees away from city centres or even from different regions and countries. Reducing costs in everyday using of traditional office: saving in reducing employees benefits, for instance company car, fuel, public transport season tickets, parking spaces or payable car park permissions etc., saving in reducing or eliminating catering subsidies or the facilities themselves. Advantages to employees. Telework help to avoid common interruption to work in traditional office, what provides to faster implement projects and reduce wasting of time. Travel difficulties are avoided. From employee site it means: avoid loss of pay because of lateness or non-arrival, avoid stress on the way to work place. Less time taken off due to illness: if employee is too ill to come to traditional office, might still be well enough to work at home, employees during recovering period from serious illness might be able to work from home and finish priority projects on time, work alone employee is less likely to contact or spread diseases such as flu, colds, viruses, etc., improved general health because of less stress and exposure to pollution. Better personal safety, because reducing risk of accident on the way to work and back. More time to spend with family because time to travel to work is reduced to zero. In this meaning more time in case of family illness, household maintenance etc. Possibility to reduce cost of living through: living out of city centre in cheaper areas, reduce fuel cost, car maintenance because travel to work and back is excluded. Disadvantages to employers. Managers has only a little or even lack of control over employees who work on teleworking base. Because lack of control, managers cant check the productivity, they assess employees work only through deadlines of projects submissions. Security issues of data stored and general database; if employees work on their own PCs or laptops, do they have proper programs installed to secure companys data stored. Issues included persuade employees to work harder and more productive if manager cant see process of their work; how many brakes they take etc. Lost of physical contact with clients and employees; disadvantages connect with lack of reed of body language of employees their physical reaction on different situations and tasks, their way of socialising: making friendships with one another can show manager of employees ability to work in group, leadership etc. Disadvantages to employees. Employees work on telework basis, in their chosen places, cant compare their productivity to employees who work on regular basis in companys office. It can produce some kind of frustration and unfair feelings. Employees who work on telework basis can be afraid of additional costs of working at their chosen places for example: decorate an area for their Home Office, have extra phone lines installed, buy additional computer equipment and software to protect data and system, furnished their Home Office. Employees working at home will have to do own typing, filing and other office function. Telework employees will lose subsidised food beverages, company car, public transport etc. (1995-1999 Telework Analytics International, Inc. All Rights Reserved,, taken 27.02.2010).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Experimentalism :: Creative Writing Essays

Writing I find exciting often gets called experimental. In America this is another word for marginal. It's patronizing. Other countries distribute legitimacy in literary culture differently. For example, when in the U.K., Kathy Acker wrote for the Times Literary Supplement. Can you imagine Acker writing for the New York Times Book Review!? Just the experience of reviewing her work in the NYT Book Review caused several reviewers to spontaneously combust. On the other side of the Atlantic, debates on literary aesthetics are part of public — not just academic — life. Not so here, which means the conventions of representation that underlie mainstream fiction in this country can't be effectually critiqued. (I don't consider academic debates to be part of public life.) So what conventions of representation am I talking about? Consider identity. Mainstream fiction tends to assume separate and coherent individuals, each with a single body and character which is built, rather than destroyed, by conflict. I believe it is possible to have one identity in your thumb and another in your neck. I think identities can travel between persons who have an unusual mutual sympathy. Let's not even mention multiple personality. But what I want to talk about today is the manipulation and construction of social distance. Mainstream fiction assumes a position not too close, not too far away. A situation is implied, an entire social horizon, which is speckled with white individuals who maintain distance from one another and from social â€Å"problems". Containment. Segregation. A narrative structure which covertly mirrors the growth of white suburbs since WWII, where there is no discomfort around racism because only white people are present. Breaking this long chain of social convention at any link can easily result in personal and literary deformity, which is another term for experimentation. My sister was older, and kept her drugs and screwing in the basement the same way she kept her jewelry there. Her lovers were thin white men whose trouble was drug-related. When Paul got out of Cook County Jail he carried an odor of rape and had large nerve spots in his eyes. Fear moving like a breeze in a prison yard, I could feel that in my stomach when he was around; otherwise I didn't care. I thought about Monica. Her sharp teeth and brown cheeks. The way her greed slid across my hips could be scary but her palms were narrow as slots, that made it okay to have sex with her.

Rosa Parks :: Essays Papers

Rosa Parks Rosa Parks is famous for a lot of things. But, she is best known for her civil rights action. This happen in December 1,1955 Montgomery, Alabama bus system. She refused to give up her sit to a white passenger on the bus. She was arrested for violating a law that whites and blacks sit in separate sit in separate rows. She refused to give up her sit when a white man wished to sit there. The front was for whites only. The law says that blacks have to leave there sits in the next when all seats in the front were taken and whites still wanted seats. Before Rosa Parks was arrest, Montgomery’s black leaders had been discussing about the city bus. Parks allowed the leaders to use her arrest to speak a boycott of the bus system. Martin Luther king ,Jr. then was a Baptist minister in Montgomery, then was chosen as president. For 382 days, from 12/5/1955 to 12/20/1956 thousands of blacks refused to ride the buses. The boycott ended when the U.S. Supreme Court declared segregated seating on the city’s buses unconstitutional. The success encouraged other mass protests demanding civil rights for blacks. Rosa Parks held a variety of jobs and, in 1943. She became one of the first woman to join the Advancement of Colored People(NNCP). She severed as the organizations secretary from 1943 to 1956. Parks lost her job as a seamstress as a result of the Montgomery boycott. She and her family moved to Detroit in 1957. Where she worked for many years for Congressman John Conyers. She founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development to offer guidance to young African Americans in preparation for leader ship and careers. 1979, she won a Medal for her work in civil rights. She wrote an autobiography. Today, most of the people know her as a civil right action leader but, there is more then that one thing that she accomplished. Also, there is a Boulevard name after her in Detroit, it says "ROSA PARKS BLVD.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Coming of Age in Samoa and Soviet Youth :: Coming Age Essays

In comparing Margaret Mead's young adults in Coming of Age in Samoa to Russian youth it is evident where the differences arise.   The Samoans strong cultural values leave little need for individual expression.   Expectations of the children change as they get older. They know what is expected of them and want to follow the rules.   In contrast, the youth in the Soviet Union, live in a culture of confusion.   They feel constricted by the laws of the society, see families collapsing around them, and believe things should change.   They want to be individuals and they want to live by their own values and ideas.   Many come from broken homes and poor communities with little respect for authority. They rebel against what they feel is an unjust society and look for a culture or group that they can identify with.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In an attempt to challenge societal values, youth cultures, in the form of rebellion, act and dress radically and form groups in protest.   These dissident actions against the structure of existing society promotes the beginning of new small groups which reflect their own rules, structures, class, gender and ethnic ideologies.   So, the youth culture, in challenging societal values, at the same time is reflecting them.      Ã‚  Ã‚   In comparing Margaret Mead's young adults in Coming of Age in Samoa to Russian youth it is evident where the differences arise.   The Samoans strong cultural values leave little need for individual expression.   Expectations of the children change as they get older. They know what is expected of them and want to follow the rules.   In contrast, the youth in the Soviet Union, live in a culture of confusion.   They feel constricted by the laws of the society, see families collapsing around them, and believe things should change.   They want to be individuals and they want to live by their own values and ideas.   Many come from broken homes and poor communities with little respect for authority. They rebel against what they feel is an unjust society and look for a culture or group that they can identify with.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Often society depicts these groups as dangerous, deviant and delinquent.   These groups, however, just show many of the valued structures of society, but in a more radical way.   They have a standard code of dress, values, ethics and rebel in order to force their ideas onto the public and to feel part of a recognizable group.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Continuities and Chnages of Labor Systems in Africa Essay

Many attempts have been made around the world at reforming current legal systems in search of a better one. As the amount of crime rises worldwide, people are constantly on the lookout for new and improved ways to fight it, and prevent it. Three such attempts involving attempts to change legal systems have been discussed the last half of this course. The change from the system put in place when a country was under colonization, as in Kilamanjaro, and Papa New Guinea. An attempt to revert to the historically cultural ways of dealing with conflict, as in China and India. In addition, an attempt by the more modern industrialized societies to become more attuned to the people with whom they are trying to help, as in Japan, and Santa Anna. By studying these examples and implementing one of them, almost any kind of stagnant legal system can attempt to change for the better. Many countries were colonized throughout the history of the world, by more dominant countries. These colonizing countries often only wanted the newly acquired country for the land, resources, or the labor they could offer. Often these colonizers brought into the new country their style of government and law, neglecting the native people. Many times, this new system caused many of the problems in the colonized country. Two examples of a country being colonized and the subsequent changes that occurred once the colonizers left are in Kilamanjaro and in Papa New Guinea. Kilamanjaro was colonized first by the Germans in the mid 1880’s, and then by the British during WWI, and finally gained independence in 1961 (Tanzania). Each country brought with it their own system of government and law, and attempted to impose these on the people of Kilamanjaro. To the native people, land is extremely important, and often the cause of many conflicts. There are two different types of farmland on the mountain, a high one and a low one, and coffee is the dominant cash crop. Since there isn’t enough prime farming land for everybody, a system of patriarchal lineage developed where the male would give his existing compound to his oldest son, and move somewhere else inviting his youngest so to live with him, and have the farm upon his death. If there was a middle son, he was forced to operate independently. As the population continues to grow rapidly, inevitably, stress has begun to compound this system; there just isn’t enough land for all the people. This led to many conflicts arising over who actually owns land, since it was essential to the survival of the people. Historically the chief was the most important people in Kilamanjaro, as he is responsible for several districts over an area. Chiefs controlled the long distance profitable trade, received half of the cattle fro the wars, could at any time call on his people to help do anything such as build a fence, and sometimes even received an extra child from his people to use as another worker. These chiefs were often fair people, they believed in not squeezing the poor but taxing the rich. They wanted to help the poor, and create a mutuality situation between them and the rich. When it came to conflict resolution chiefs were able to settle disputes, but often didn’t, as many people tried to keep the dispute with in their own family or lineage. They went to the elders instead and sought their advice. A case would go to the chiefs only if deemed necessary by the elders. Under the German period of occupation, this system was altered. They insisted on recognizing the customary law and ruling through the chiefs. However they didn’t really let the chiefs have any power. The Germans took over the long distance trade, wiped out warfare, and stripped from the chiefs their whole base of their power. The chiefs whole basis of power under this system was the fact the Germans recognized them as powerful. Things changed however under the British system. The British saw themselves as more advanced, and thus wanted to civilize the Africans, and help them to create a better system. What they created was a system of duality, where they used traditional law for minor infractions, and British law for the serious crimes. This again takes the power out of the traditional cultural ways of solving disputes, and places it in the colonizers. The Germans took over economically, and the British, while still taking over economically they changed the whole cultural system as well. The British sought to understand the true customary laws of the Africans, and to write them down as a means of reference for settling disputes, a practice which for centuries was never done, yet the locals always managed to solve disputes. They implemented a system of modern British laws, including imposing a statute of limitations on cases. This contradicted with the customary way the Africans dealt with things in the law. The British also wanted to systemize the law, emphasize the rule of the law, and impose their own decisions on local problems. The British also formed a duel court system, one for whites and another for Africans, as an attempt at allowing the locals to retain some form of their historical past. Overall, the British system was naive and morally based, not the way the Africans traditionally operated. Their system, of viewing everything as static and unchanging was too radical for the indigenous people to comprehend. Their whole existence has been based on the cultural laws of their people, and the implementation of those laws as elders, or chiefs saw fit. The local laws were multidimensional and could be seen in different context by the natives at different times, with the British wanting to write everything down and operate from this system of written law, the system changed and the ability of the customary law to change with the times change to. Another example of a colonizing situation was in New Guinea, where it was recently colonized by Europeans. As was the case with the Africans, New Guinea was a farming community, and thus, viewed land as an important commodity. They have a traditional system of â€Å"Big Man† government, no chiefs just several big men who represent the power and authority in the area. They emphasized self-help, and negotiation in their resolving conflicts, but also used the threat of fighting, and the actual fights themselves as a means of resolution. New Guinea differs from Africa in that the Europeans attempted to be less intrusive into their way of life. They patrolled the areas where the people lived, erasing the system of contacts that had been developed among the people. They tried not to be heavy handed but at the same time ruined the connections made between the people that was essential for their resolving disputes. Warfare was looked down upon, and thus the traditional way of resolving disputes was radically erased from the land. Even though the Europeans were trying to be fair and let the traditional system work, they didn’t understand it. They didn’t realize that these conflicts and connections were crucial to the traditional system and was needed for it to be able to operate. These two examples show the problems that colonizers have with trying to impose modernization on a society as remote and backwards as these. They have existed for centuries by their own terms, why should they change now. Legal systems change for reasons other than a dominating colonizing power forcing them to. In China for example, there has long been a history of mediation as a means of settling disputes. This history of mediation was based on the Confucianism, an ideology that emphasizes harmony and respect for one another, along with a hierarchy in all the cosmos, meaning that it emphasized people respecting and getting along with one another, even when settling disputes. It also emphasized that certain people were indeed higher in stature than others were. Mediation under this system placed a strong emphasis on the ritual, and ceremony of settling disputes. Each party in the process has a particular role, and each party is expected to perform in that role. This concept was based on the Li, or the philosophical principle that called for respect and social form. This type of mediation allowed people to save face, and not to publicly admit to wrongdoing. Once the conflict was settled, the issues surrounding the original debate were never discussed again and the party’s left happy with the sense of community restored. This traditional system worked well to preserve the community of the in the traditional sense of the Chinese culture. When communism came into power this system of mediation was preserved, however, slightly altered. It became known as â€Å"comrades court,† which involved many people with anyone having the ability to mediate. This was a very tight association between social mediation and political ideology. It was an extreme form of exclusive mediation, as Greenhouse would have categorized it. It consisted of the political ideology being very influential, and no longer just trying to deal with the interests of the parties involved. Its goal was to educate the population in the beliefs of the government, and resolve the conflicts as quickly and efficiently as possible. Like the old system the face to face part of the process was still in use, however, one didn’t know who would end up getting involved in the mediation process, and often the people feared that the government would get involved and punish them severely, possibly even by death. For this reason many people were afraid of the system and opted not to use it as readily as they had the traditional. With the opening up of China to outside influences, the system has lightly changed as well, although it is nowhere near, where it was before communism. It is still used as the first means of resolving conflicts, however, the vast majority of these cases are being dealt with on the localized level, causing many to feel more at ease with the situation. These local mediation communities are still under heavy control of the communist party, as the â€Å"judges† are often placed there by the party itself. Disputes since the rise of communism have been classified into two categories, those involving ordinary citizens, and those involving crimes against the state. It is where the crime is directed against the state that the process of mediation is pretty much thrown out and the accused is severely punished, prompting the fear of the public. Within both systems, mediation plays a major role, as does the bias against the use of law as a means of resolving disputes. This has led to the widespread acceptance of the mediation system under communist regime even though it differs from the traditional form of mediation. A major difference between the two systems is the way they each look at the conflict itself. In the traditional early period, conflict was seen as unavoidable, and they worked to ensure there wouldn’t be future conflicts. In the communist period, they tend to see conflict as important and productive and don’t attempt to appease all the parties involved in a dispute upon settling it. The major difference however, as it is in most other aspects of Chinese life, is the involvement of the state. In traditional times the state was never involved, maybe occasionally, nowadays the state plays a major role, often squashing any of the traditional characteristics of the system. The state wants its influence to be recognized, its voice to be heard, where as in the past it used to be the voice of the people that was most important, and led to the resolutions lasting and everyone being satisfied by them. The process now, while it may be inexpensive and not involving the courts, is very intrusive into peoples lives, and imposes political values on the people who bring their cases to mediation. Is it better then the traditional sense? I don’t know if it is or not, it is very similar, but much like the rest of China the government sought more control in the everyday affairs of the people, and that is what is happening. A similar situation occurred in India, where there existed a complex system of conflict resolution, but upon the government wanting to modernize the country, most was thrown out. India is also another country that has been colonized, and draws a lot of its government from the British. However, once colonization ended for them, the newly free government had to decide whether or not to revert to the traditional practices of the Jati, or attempt to bring Indian law into the 21st century. Many of the hierarchy of society at the time India was granted freedom were legal professionals from the British days. They wanted to implement a British style of legal system, mainly for their own material gains, as they would be the ones who would be called on as lawyers, and judges. Many people within India opposed this system, seeing it as the culture of the oppressor. They sought to eradicate this system from their country completely. However, as the years of colonization passed the British system gradually became fused with features of the local tradition, especially the local courts system. It became less of an oppressive system and more of a working one. Today the British system has become domesticated to the Indian ways of doing things and a hybrid system has developed. It no longer seems so alien to so many Indians. This example is similar to the Chinese example as the governments of each country are trying to deal with change. In China when the communists took over they only wanted to slightly alter the existing system of mediation, while in India when the British left, the new government only wanted to slightly change the existing system. In both cases, little change was made, only enough to take into consideration the new ideologies of the new government. There is however, a strong backlash against the British system in terms of how it deals with marriage law, but I am choosing not to discuss this issue because it is abstract from the points that I am trying to make. Legal systems also change as they are deemed to be unresponsive, and to out of touch, a is the case in many of the industrialized societies of today. Two examples exist of how changes in the way police are conducting their trade has led to improvements within the society, Japan, and Santa Ana California. The Japanese have made their police much more visible, and eadily available to the public, when compared to the typical American city. This has led to them being much more accepted by the Japanese public than the American police are by our public. They have, for a long time now, abandoned the motorized form of policing in a car, and have instead opted for foot patrols. This brings the actual officer out onto the street, and gets him more involved in the affairs of the people, enabling him to be better capable of stopping trouble before it starts. The whole emphasis on the way the Japanese police has been placed in their continuing efforts to integrate with the community. A system of Kuban’s has been developed as a place in the community where a small number of officers are stationed. There are several Koban through out Japan, as they are the basis for the policing process. These Koban have various connections with various community groups and organization, further placing the public behind the police. Similarly, in Santa Anna California, a new system has been adopted to better integrate the police force with the people they are trying to serve. During the racially tensed 1960’s the police department in the city became very out of touch with the needs of the people in Santa Anna. Police officers began to see themselves as the only form of law, and began to enact their own brand of justice. Public opinion of the department went down, as did the relationship between the department and the public. The city therefore hired a new chief whom implemented several new community oriented policies all aimed at trying to restore the trust of the public. He divided the city into four grids’ and flooded each with police officers, in an attempt to make the police more accessible to the public, and their concerns. He also hired several new citizens to act as officers, without the official tag of being police officers. They handled many of the mundane tasks of police work, which freed up more officers to be out in the public, exposing themselves, and attempting to prevent crime. Due to the large foreign speaking population, he also hired several citizens who could speak the languages of the people, thus making the department more accessible to those who previously have been closed out due to language barriers. Buildings were set up as a neighborhood control center for the police, but also lent it to many community functions. These buildings, which were very similar to the Koban in Japan, were an attempt to invite the public in and welcome them into the police world. As in Japan, the public was welcomed in and encouraged to make complaints, give information about possible criminal activity, or just sit down and get to know the officers. All of this was done in an attempt to win over the public, and make them feel more comfortable with the police department. It is very similar to the way the Japanese system is set up in that they both work from the grassroots level, using the human resources approach rather than an authoritative system, and the strong desire to integrate with the community, and make them feel more comfortable with the police. As I have demonstrated, changes have taken place in legal systems around the world, some for the better and some not. However, they all end up, in one way or another to reflect the belief that traditional methods are best. Without any inclusion of traditional methods law itself wouldn’t be able to be applied to masses of people.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Business Statistics Essay

Technology has brought to the sport of play game a revolution in golf equipment. Clubs expend faster and the b eachs fly higher(prenominal) and march on. The just snubway hold of golf pros has g superstar from 260 yards in 1992 to 286 yards in 2003. However, with all of these im uprisements in hold, it is non all that open whether imposters sacrifice improved their trueness or whether their scores have gotten offend. The Professional Golfers draw (PGA) has salt away performance selective data on the 125 top-earning PGA lap pros.The task of this psycho psycho analysis is to determine whether at that place exists any kind amid certain aspects of the game such(prenominal) as effort distance, verity and boilers suit performance, among others. Description of the information is as follows silver refers to the contribute earnings in PGA Tour events. Scoring Average is the median(a) a golfer scores per round. DrDist refers to the average control distance metr ic in yards per drive. This measurement is composed of dickens drives measured on different wholes with opposing wind directions and with no regard to truth.DrAccuracy is the constituent of prison equipment casualty that a drive lands on the fairway. Every drive is measured with the exclusion of comparability 3s. GIR, or Greens in convention refers to the percentage of dates that the golfer was subject to knock against the green in regulation. collision the green in regulation consists of getting the earthock to the green in par minus 2 injections. This analysis pull up stakes s bed whether on that point exits any kin betwixt ride distance and tally average campaign accuracy and mark average GIR and rack up average control accuracy and impulsive distance.This analysis result also determine which of these variables is most prodigious in terms of scoring average. descriptive Statistics The data apply in this proclaim consists of information regarding the top 125 players in the PGA Tour based on earnings. The data includes the total amount take in in PGA Tour events, the average follow of strokes per correct round, the average number of yards per measured drive, the percentage of time a tee barb comes to remainder in the fairway, and the percentage of time a player was able to refer the green in regulation.Cargon was apply in collection of the data to realize a proper sample. For the average number of yards per measured drive (DrDist), the selection of two holes facing opposite directions to counteract the achievement of the wind was use to limit right(prenominal) factors. Also the point where the ball came to rest was measured regardless of whether or not it was on the fairway. Driving accuracy (DrAccu) was measured on both hole with the exception of par 3s. For the percentage of time a player was able to hit the green in regulation (GIR), the stroke was pertinacious by subtracting two from par.The data collected was then appendmarized both numerically and graphically to determine if any kind exists values in engineering science and golfers performance. cecal appendage A depicts both graphically and numerically the compend of all data. The loaded amount earned is $1791113 and the mean scoring average is 71. 03. For the data the mean distance is 288. extension B generates the apprisalship mingled with scoring average and capricious distance. The use of reverting analysis shows an F of . 608 and a p-value of . 437. With a p-value .01 the zippo hypothesis is to be recognized.While judge the hypothesis recognizes statistical significance, it is necessary to check just whether a kinship betwixt scoring average and crusade distance exists. Regression analysis was also used to recuperate a affinity mingled with scoring average and tearaway(a) accuracy. appendix C shows that an F of 5. 91 and a p-value of . 016. With a p-value ? .01 the zip fastener hypothesis is to be accepte d in this case. The affinity amongst scoring average and greens in regulation was also investigated using reversal analysis.The backsliding analysis showed an F of 39. 3 and a p-value of 5. 75. With the p-value .01, the null hypothesis should be accepted. The hypothesis shows statistical significance mingled with scoring averages and greens in regulation. appurtenance D shows the results of the relationship between scoring average and greens in regulation. Appendix F shows that with impetuous distance used as the in helpless variable and drive accuracy as the pendant variable the resulting p-value is 1. 72. The null hypothesis should be accepted in this case with the p-value .01.The data shows that with a p-value of . 16 the brainish accuracy appears to be the least significant factor in terms of average score. With a p-value of 5. 75 greens in regulation appears to be the most significant factor in terms of average score. Interpretation of Statistics PGA golfers have in creased their driving distance referable to new advanced technology of golf balls and golf clubs. In the past, the average driving distance has wanderd from 260-286 yards.The goal of this study is to find oneself the relationship between driving distance and player performance in terms of their accuracy with long range shots. This information is taken from the 008 PGA Tour and covers 125 players. The studys null hypothesis deals with the association between variables of interest, driving distance, driving accuracy and greens in regulation, and states that increased driving distance has no effect on players accuracy and performance. The alternative hypothesis has a relationship between the golfers accuracy and driving distance. Our team used a splash diagram to show the relationship between the two variables. We used a nifty line model which has a analog backsliding. Our two variables on our scatter plan ar scoring average and driving distance.There is no functional relatio n between the variables because there cannot be a straight line that passes through every point, however there is a statistical relation because all the points on the piece are scattered randomly round the line. We are using a artless linear regression model referable to the one in inter parasitic variable. Response is some other name for the dependent variable, y. The slope is organize over run or the reposition in x to y. In Appendix F, the ANOVA shows the scoring average and driving distance. The coefficient gives us the information for the simple regression model. The constant is 70. 4 and gives us the y intercept and the slope coefficient is 0. 00342356. The null proves that there is not a relationship between the players average and performance. According to the 95% corporate trust interval demonstrates that the intercept is within the range of 67. 53551 and 73. 35093 and the slope coefficient is within the range of -0. 00527 and . 014914. The abridgment in the Append ix regression gives us data ab protrude the analysis. Column one tells us that there is altogether a single nonsymbiotic variable. The following tower states the relationship between the observed dependent variable and the predicted dependent variable.The simple Pearsons correlation is the same thing as the one sovereign variable and has a correlation between the two variables. The coefficient of proportionalitycination tells us proportions and how they can be credit to the x variable. The variation in scoring average is 0. 005% and is caused by the variation in driving distance. Lastly, the normal error of come close tells us that it is not the same as our original prediction and is off by a score of 0. 42. The Appendix gives us the analysis of variance related to regression analysis.The mean square is represented by the degrees of freedom and the residual degrees of regression. The F-statistic shows a ratio of explained variance to not explained variance. If the regression plus of square is zero then that would mean the independent variable is not associated with the dependent variables variation. The larger the sum of squares the much the variation can be viewed by envisioning at the dependent variable. The F value is . 60774 with a p value of 0. 43714. Therefore, we can accept the null hypothesis because there is no relationship between the scoring average and driving distance.This is exemplified in Appendix E(1), where total driving distance was divided by total score. The higher the %, the get off the score. In this case, there is no trend in the map because there is no correlation to driving distance and scores. Appendix E(2) shows the relationship between driving accuracy and scores, with the same opponent relationship. The higher the driving accuracy percentage, the light the score. The graph shows a sylphlike down trend, meaning there is a slight correlation between ideal drives and cleanse scores.Appendix E(3) shows that, by the sam e standard as E(1) and (2), there is a more(prenominal)(prenominal) noticeable downward trend. This goes to show that a green in regulation (GIR), although not always, will generally mean trim scores. Accuracy is more important than driving distance. Formulation of Analysis We now can determine if there is a relationship with players scoring average and driving distance, because of the statistical information associated with the PGA players. The biggest factor used to prove this relationship is the regression analysis. This lets us look at two variables and figure out if they are linked.The scoring average is the independent variable and the other three are the dependent variables. We used an excel spreadsheet to experiment our values. Applying these numbers we are able to find the relationship between our variables. The observed variables are smaller and have a substantiative relationship between them. We used a 99% confidence level to show the link in scoring average and our variables. Players who have a higher than 99% level tend to drive the ball farther and typically have write down scores. Those players have an intercept of 73. 3509, compared to those that are pull down than 99% who have an intercept of 66. 2953. Next, the only positive relationship we can debate between the variables is the fact that players that are more accurate tend to have lower scores. Therefore we can reach the ending that accuracy improves scores. Conclusion and Recommendations The data shows that a correlation exists between scoring average, driving distance, and hitting greens in regulation. The regression analysis showed a p-value of . 02 showing that piece a relationship exists between accuracy and scoring average it is relatively small. The relationship between driving distance and accuracy are dependent.With a p-value of 1. 72 the analysis shows that the more accurate the player is the further they are able to drive the ball. By making driving accuracy the depende nt variable and driving distance the independent variable, the analysis showed that accuracy is dependent on the driving distance. The data for the analysis was collected for players on the PGA Tour for 2008. The data does not contain historical information on previous years. Without looking at data from previous years it cannot be determined if improvements in technology have resulted in the improvements for players.The data does show that it is important for the player to be able to drive the ball further in order to be more accurate. It also shows that players scores are improved with accuracy. With technology that produces clubs that are able to drive further the result is more accurate shots and therefore, better scores. By continuing to make improvement with clubs that are lighter and allow the players to swing harder and faster, players will continue to become more accurate in their shots. The more accurate the shots the better the scores of the players.